Wednesday, December 28, 2011

AWL 10: Night of WTF

AWL 10 Pt. 1 投稿者 AWLBoss

AWL 10 pt 2 投稿者 AWLBoss

This week's episode comes to you a few days late due to the Christmas Holiday, but fear NOT loyal viewers. It will be made up to you because by the turning of the calender, there shall be another entry into the hallowed halls of animated wrestling history. That's right, AWL 11 will be posted before the end of the week!!! Rejoice.

Seriously, you may rejoice now.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

AWL 9: Technicos vs. All Americans

AWL 9: The Technicos vs. The All Americans 投稿者 AWLBoss

Yes, you read that right. The Tag Team titles are going to be in the main event of the show. Do not adjust your internet! A wrestling company not named Ring of Honor is actually paying attention to it's tag team division. You are welcome wrestling world, you're welcome.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

AWL 8: Wonder Kid vs. Death

AWL 8 pt 1 投稿者 AWLBoss

Sorry this episode is a couple of hours late. I've started messing around with the video to try and increase the quality. I think it worked but one result is that the dang thing takes several hours to upload. Aw well, it doesn't matter. The show is online and ready to go.

As the title should tell you, the main event is Wonder Kid vs. Death for the AWL World Heavyweight Championship.

Also, enjoy the silly man from Osaka riding and small Mexican man. Yeah . . . Wrestling isn't homoerotic in the slightest . . . nope, not at all.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

AWL 6: Dragon vs. Death

AWL 6: Dragon vs. Death 投稿者 AWLBoss

Dragon vs. The Angel of Death for the AWL World Heavyweight Championship. Do you really need more of a description than that?


OK, how about I throw in the 2011 Tag Matsuri. A celebration of the nearly lost art of tag team wrestling including TWO new tag teams and the return of The Championship Showcase!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

AWL 5: Dragon vs. Warrior

AWL5 pt1 投稿者 AWLBoss

AWL 5 pt2 投稿者 AWLBoss

In tonight's episode we learn the fall out of the paradigm shifting events of Obon-Nanza. This is the first in what I hope will be a series of consistent weekly updates. Please enjoy the show and as always comments are welcome.

And now for this weeks Wrestling Rant:

I've noticed something disturbing about TNA lately, you know besides the usual. For years on of the major charges against VInce Russo has been his lack of patience as a story teller. Even back in the WCW days he was known to introduce a potentially good story line that could have been told over weeks or even months . . . and blow it all off in two episodes, if that. TNA "creative" still hotshots far too much (See: Roode-Storm) nut lately I've noticed a pattern in TNA's midcard story lines that is even more disturbing. In both the "Jackson James" story and the "Pope-Devon-Devon's kids" story, ideas are being introduced and reinforced for a few weeks and then completely forgotten. Now, months later after the audience has completely forgotten about them, the stories are coming back to be blown off.

In other words, it's not that Russo is too impatient to plot out a good second act to his stories, HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO!!! How in blinking blue blazes does this man get paid to write wrestling shows????

Thursday, November 17, 2011

AWL Supercard: Obon-Nanza III

Obon-nanza 3 pt1 投稿者 AWLBoss

Obon-Nanza is our annual summer Supercard (since we don't charge people to watch this show, we can't call it a "Pay per view" so we use the old school term of Supercard. The format is a bit different. More matches, longer show, and no cut ins to save time.

The main event is the first sanctioned match for the Angel of Death as he has blackmailed his way into a match with Matt Classic for an AWL World Heavyweight Title Match.

AWL 4: Trouble with Trios

AWL 4: The Trouble with Trios 投稿者 AWLBoss

More AWL action as we speed toward the Obon-nanza super card event. Tonight the Dark Alliance faces the Technicos 3 on 3 in a trios match!

I must admit that this is the period of time where I was monkeying around with the video settings and quite frankly is didn't work. I no longer have the original match footage so I can't reedit it. So we're stuck with what we have. It's not too distracting and I think the show is still entertaining on it's own merits. Please enjoy.

AWL 3: Doing the time warp again! 投稿者 AWLBoss

And here comes the parade of old shame.

Both this and the next couple of episodes represent me messing around to try and perfect the video format. It . . . didn't work. Sadly, due to some technical difficulties, I no longer have the original footage for these matches and therefore can't remake the videos. But these episodes include plot points and canon events in the fictional world of the AWL.

So here you go.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

AWL 2: Classic vs. Wolf

AWL 2: Classic vs. Wolf 投稿者 AWLBoss

Welcome to the second episode of the Animated Wrestling League. Tonight, Matt Classic makes his first defense of his newly won AWL World Heavyweight Championship. In other action, Ganba tries to earn his way back into the Best 4.

Now for my rant of the episode. Almost all championship matches in pro wrestling these days come about because an on-air authority figure said "OK, you get a title shot" or worse "You lost your last match so you get a title shot" because . . . that makes sense!

Well, NOT in the AWL. There are no automatic title rematches in this wrestling company. If a former champion, like Ganba, wants another title shot, they have to earn their way into the Best 4 and fight their way up the rankings just to get a chance at the AWL World Title.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

AWL 1: Ganba vs. Classic

Also known as AWL: Ultimate Upgrade. After a couple of years running this little fan parody wrestling league off of a PS1 game, this is the first episode of the Animated Wrestling League to use a PS2 game as a platform. This is as good a jumping on point as any wrestling show will ever give you so please enjoy and feel free to comment.

I'm typing this while waiting for the video to upload and I may as well give some background on what the heck the AWL is. Over 10 years ago the AWL started as my friends and I fooling around with one of the first Create-A-Wrestler programs in the WWF Attitude video game. For over a decade I used the AWL to act out my personal "Armchair Booker" fantasies because I knew that, if given competent writing, pro wrestling would be 20 times as popular as it ever has been.

The AWL is pure parody and I do not make one penny from it. Therefore it's covered under fair use copyright law so please don't bring that up. I try to remove as many of the WWE logos as I can but some naturally slip in there.

Wow, this thing is taking for freaking ever to load. The problem with the video capturing and and video editing software that use is that it leads to VERY large video files. I'm not too familiar with Blogger's video posting system and I hope to God that there isn't a size limit.
I guess I can use this time and space to opine on what's going on in pro wrestling today. I'll start with the very basics: YES, I know it's fake. You don't have to tell me that. Also, Hugh Laurie does not have a limp, Daniel Radcliffe can not work magic, and Lenard Nimoy doesn't know squat about science. Wrestling is a TV show and nothing more. The only reason anyone gets their knickers in a twist over the real vs. fake debate is that once upon a time (circa 1910 to about 1960) pro wrestling was actually a con. It was actors pretending to be really fighting each other and charging money for it. Well the lid has been blown on that for over 50 years now and any wrestling fan over the age of about 7 knows that this is not real. Here's the thing: We don't care!

But on the other hand, there has been a bad trend in wrestling programs lately to talk down to the audience because "Hey, it's not real so we don't have to take ourselves seriously." This is 47 different flavors of stupid. From opening credits to closing credits, you must take yourself seriously. Watch any other TV show and you never want to be reminded that the characters are not real and are being played by actors. By the same token, I don't want to see wrestlers say "We're going to have the match of the night." "I'm trending on twitter." Or, valid complaint though it may be, "Who writes this crap?" Just create your fictional world and live there for an hour or two.

That's what I try to do with the AWL. You and I and anyone else watching this show know that these are computer generated images. However, for the length of each and every video these are real people and they are competing in a real professional fighting league and, though they each have their own motivations and methods, they all have the same goal: To become the Animated Wrestling League World Heavyweight Champion.

And this damn thing is STILL uploading so I'm going to go make myself some dinner and watch Big Bang Theory.

And I'm back. Still uploading. Memo to self: Screw high resolution, make these things smaller.

OK, it's literally a day later and I've found another video hosting site for my stuff. Yay! Watch the show please and please comment. All positive comments and constructive criticisms are welcome.