AWL5 pt1 投稿者 AWLBoss
In tonight's episode we learn the fall out of the paradigm shifting events of Obon-Nanza. This is the first in what I hope will be a series of consistent weekly updates. Please enjoy the show and as always comments are welcome.
And now for this weeks Wrestling Rant:
I've noticed something disturbing about TNA lately, you know besides the usual. For years on of the major charges against VInce Russo has been his lack of patience as a story teller. Even back in the WCW days he was known to introduce a potentially good story line that could have been told over weeks or even months . . . and blow it all off in two episodes, if that. TNA "creative" still hotshots far too much (See: Roode-Storm) nut lately I've noticed a pattern in TNA's midcard story lines that is even more disturbing. In both the "Jackson James" story and the "Pope-Devon-Devon's kids" story, ideas are being introduced and reinforced for a few weeks and then completely forgotten. Now, months later after the audience has completely forgotten about them, the stories are coming back to be blown off.
In other words, it's not that Russo is too impatient to plot out a good second act to his stories, HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO!!! How in blinking blue blazes does this man get paid to write wrestling shows????