This is insulting! The Commissioner holds something he calls the "Biggest Tournament of the Year" and doesn't invite ME? What the hell was he thinking? You can't claim to have the best of the best in the AWL in a tournament and now include Wrestler X! Everyone who watched the New Year's Tournament should get together and sue for false advertising!!
I know more holds, moves, counters, and styles than the entire rest of the roster pit together. You've heard of other men referred to as "Master of 1000 Holds?" Well I knew more than that my first week of wrestling camp. In fact, I am the Master of All Wrestling!
I DEMAND that the AWL Commissioner give me the level of competition I deserve or I WILL make that lawsuit happen.
--Wrestler X
Master of all wrestling huh? Is that why your win/loss record is 1-1? OK big shot, let's see if you can measure up to that. You want NYT level competition, you got it! At AWL 42 you will face the runner up in this year's tournament. Wrestler X vs. Ganba!!
--XOXO AWL Commissioner