Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dragon and Nelson Speak.

The world title is on the line yet again tomorrow night so let's hear from the wrestlers in that match. First, the challenger.

Big" Ben Nelson:
I don't give a rat arse about the AWL or frankly the AWL Championship anymore! I've spent my entire career chasing gold in this bloody company and what has it gotten me? Shagging NOTHING that's what!! And now they keep telling me that I'm "on thin ice" and "they might not book me anymore" well who cares! I've got this title match with Dragon (what sort of a name is that anyway?) and I'm going to be there, but mark my words. When I win that title you tossers are NEVER seeing it or me again. Sod off!

And now the champion:

Really? The old "I'm going to take the title and leave" routine? Come on Ben. You're better than that. The AWL World's Heavyweight Championship is why we're all here. It's why we all fight and I know you are no different.

Why did you stick around after Striker was hurt? Because you wanted to be champion.

Why did you demand a cage match with Kuroyama when he injured you? Because he cost you the chance to be champion.

Well now's the time son. You get a chance to be champion. The only thing standing between you and gold is this old man. So come and get it Ben. Let's see how "big" you really are!

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