We interrupt your regularly scheduled wrestler profiles to bring you this special report.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have done it again. June more than DOUBLED the view count for May and May was already a record breaking month. The final tally for June 2013 is 963 pageviews!! I guess what he people really want is daily content. Fear not, the wrestler profiles are set to continue on schedule and the goal is for AWL 61 to take place once the entire roster has had their time in the sun.
But we have far more serious news to discuss. As you may recall, in early June the AWL Commissioner traveled to the United States to meet with leaders of Titor Conglomerate in an attempt to gain access to the assets of Chikara in an attempt to save the promotion. That was more than three weeks ago.
The Commissioner appears to have gone missing.
The last we'd heard, the Commissioner had arrived in the US and had been picked up by a Titor Representative to take him to his hotel.
We checked with the hotel, the Commissioner DID check in along side the Titor Rep, but left shortly thereafter, minus his luggage. According to hotel staff, both men appeared to be in a good mood, laughing and joking with each other.
He never checked back in.
Before his hotel reservation expired, someone from Titor wired a payment to the hotel to extend the Commissioner's "stay."
That was the last we've heard from or about the AWL Commissioner directly.
Until yesterday that is.
We received a text message from somebody at Titor saying that, and this is a direct quote, "Our negotiations are taking longer than either party suspected. The AWL Commissioner has changed his flight plans. We at Titor Conglomerate will pay any and all additional travel expenses resulting from this inconvenience.
--Invest Wisely,
Titor Conglomerate"
We have found no record of any change of flight plans.
We will continue looking into this matter and update you, the AWL fans, as soon as we know anything substantial.
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