OK people, we have a little under twelve hours left until AWL 82 so it is my duty and pleasure to announce to you the matches for this weekend.
CM Punk vs. Dragon
By AWL tradition, the first regular season match for any debuting wrestler is against the first ever AWL Champion. Much like other young Japanese professional athletes and game players, the first match is against the top of their sport. They aren't expected to win, but it gives them an idea of what they can strive for. In the AWL, we call this The Dragon Debut Series (or we did anyway). But this is no ordinary debuting wrestler, this is CM Punk: The Best in the World and (With all due respect to Nigel McGuinness, MVP, and Fit Finley) the biggest star ever to darken the doorstep of the AWL. So I have no clue who's going to win this.
Semi Final:
The Technicos (1) vs. The Super Tiger Bros. (0)
We had an e-mail from Robbie Ellis, the new owner and operator of Chikara. He said (among other things) that he has no problem with the AWL continuing to use the Chikara 3-Point System in our own tag team division. So we are diving back into the tag team division now with two sets of former AWL World Tag Team Champions. Also, the Technicos are the only team to have survived Season 4 with any points intact. They face the Japanese Legend and the reigning AWL World Light Heavyweight Champion.
Ganba vs. THUGLIFE Tanaka Kenichi
At National Pro Wrestling Day, Tanaka Kenichi preformed a disgusting act of bad sportsmanship after losing to Ganba. I'm not going to go into detail here. If you want to see it, go watch the video. Long story short, this is the rematch to settle the score.
The All Americans (0) vs. The Masters of the Mask (0)
Once again, former tag team champions and points are on the line. One of the best things about the AWL is the great variety of styles among the AWL Wrestlers. And this match is a great example of that. American pro wrestling vs. Mexican lucha libre. And of course, both teams want to take that first step back to the gold.
Matt Classic vs. Wolf
This is the bronze metal match for the 2014 お正月大会. Not much else needs to be said really.
See you all soon for AWL 82!
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