--Miss X
Friday, March 31, 2017
GWM Press Release
Global Wrestling Monopoly, the world leader in Sports Entertainment, is once again preparing to challenge for the AWL Intercontinental Championship. But first two of our best will grace the AWL ring with their presence and battle each other to determine who will have the pleasure of dethroning the false tiger and claiming the new GWM IC TITLE!!
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Points in Play and Play and Play
Last week we failed to find #1 contenders for the AWL World Tag Team Titles. Titles that have yet to be defended this season. Well, apparently the AWL Commissioner is sick of this so he has commissioned THREE tag team matches for AWL 208:
The Empire (2) vs. The Great Americans (0)
XyberhawX2000 (0) vs. Los Neko Grande (1)
田中健一 & Mr. Smiles (1) vs. The Menagerie (1)
So The Empire has the chance to earn their third point and three other teams get the chance to move within striking distance of a challenge themselves. That AWL World Tag Team Champions, Liga Cosmica, are young and untested. But as the tag team division heats up, it looks like that will soon change.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Gold and Golden.
With AWL 207 in the history books, we have a championship match for next week:
AWL 208:
Sammy Nix (C) vs. Wrestler X (#1)
AWL Grand Championship Match
2nd Title Defense
Additionally, the AWL Commissioner has planned something HUGE, dare I say, world shattering for our next AWL Supercard, The Golden War 2017. I know it's called the 究極のサミット or Ultimate Summit. Beyond that, the Commissioner is keeping the details close to his vest. He's even been leaving the office to make some mystery phone calls. Hopefully he'll give us more information between now and Golden Week.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Wonders never cease!
As cliché as it is, never say never in professional wrestling. I speak for the whole office when I say that
we were shocked when we came into work this morning to learn that someone had
actually volunteered to be Tanaka Kenichi’s tag team partner this weekend
against American Beetle and Cage.
Then we saw who that someone was and all shock vanished.
Mr. Smiles!
That’s right, the happiest man in wrestling (to the point of being a naive
fool at times) has stepped up. This
makes perfect sense when you realize that Mr. Smiles is the only member of the
roster willing to even be seen in public with Tanaka Kenichi, much less speak
to time.
So this Sunday the poser and the pleasant will team up against the gaudy
insect and the muscle machine.
Is this going to be a tag team classic?
Probably not, but it should be a lot of fun to watch.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
The Translation Team HATE this guy.
We received this…rather amusing message from “Thug Life” Tanaka Kenichi a
few hours after the AWL Commissioner’s weekly address yesterday:
It’s a bullshit! Nobody
patona!! THUGLIFE Golden Opportunity
GET! Tag team never.!.!..?
Well, that made every English teacher on two continents vomit blood. What I think he’s trying to say is that he
hasn’t found a partner for the tag team match against American Beetle and Cage
this weekend. He might also be rejecting
the match and reminding everyone that he still has a Golden Opportunity from
winning the Clash of Styles Tournament last season.
In that case I’ll remind you that AWL Wrestlers are not permitted to refuse
to participate in scheduled matches. To
do so constitutes a breach of contract and can result in termination. Tanaka Kenichi will just have to work harder
to find a partner. In the event that he can’t,
I guess the match will go on as a handicap match. However, in that case, points will not be in
We’ll have more on this
story as it develops.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Commissioner's (Somewhat) Weekly Address
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I
am the AWL Commissioner.
In my chosen profession as a promoter of professional wrestling I find
myself interacting with some…unique…individuals. American Beetle is one such
man…insect…whatever. Never before have I
seen such an abrupt change in anyone, wrestler or not. For years we have advertised American Beetle
as America Personified. I had thought
that this was simple wrestling hyperbole.
However, his complete shift in personality and tactics tell me that
recent events in the United States have affected him at a level deeper than
anything I could have imagined.
As you know, American Beetle has requested a tag team match for AWL
207. Well, I have someone that I want to
see get beaten up by Cage so why not. At AWL 207 American Beetle and Cage will
face Tanaka Kenichi and a partner of his
choosing in tag team action.
Additionally, after what happened during the 4-way match last weekend, I
have COMMISSIONED a rematch between Ma-Ji-Ku
and Prince Puma to take place this weekend as well.
Finally, the Animated Wrestling League Grand Championship shall be defended
in two weeks time. Therefore, all four members of the AWL Best 4 shall
compete in a 4-Way Match with the winner to challenge Sammy Nix the following
--XOXO AWL Commissioner
Meanwhile, back at our story.
Before I start today’s news update, I’d like to thank the stars of Chikara
for coming out to Japan and helping make AWL 206: Chikara Special (The Show Not
The Hold) as great as it was. I’m also
happy that I never have to type out that title again!
But it’s time to return to our regularly scheduled programming and time has
run out on the 30 suspension of American Beetle. As you may remember, he was suspended for
unsportsmanlike conduct for initiating a brawl backstage between himself and
Hassan. Well, he’ll be cleared to
wrestle again this weekend at AWL 207 and he’s requesting a tag team match for
himself and his new employee Brian Cage.
The AWL Commissioner has not made the bout official yet, but when and if he
does, we’ll bring you that story as soon as we hear about it.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Ultramantis Black responds to the AWL Champions
After the last post’s lengthy interview with the champions of the AWL,
we’ve received this message from the Grand Champion of Chikara Ultramantis
BEHOLD! It is I the Great and
Devious Ultramantis Black. And while my
dealings with the remnants of the dark forces of Nazmaldun have occupied much
of my time and effort as of late, I am by no means negligent of my duties as
the Grand Champion. This Sunday I shall
lead the forces of Chikara to the Land of the Rising Sun and we shall march
into battle. Surely, it is a strange and
motley crew I find myself traveling with.
A young simian sailor of the stars and two Dickensian degenerates. But we are champions all and the pride of
Chikara flows through each and every one of us.
I have HEARD the words of the champions
of the AWL. Your confidence, nay your
arrogance shall be your downfall for this Sunday you will see our power. You will see our…Chikara! HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Interview with the AWL Champions
Something a little unusual today (befitting an unusual week leading into an
unusual show). I had the opportunity to
sit down and interview all 4 current AWL champions about their upcoming matches
at AWL 206: Chikara Special (The Show Not The Hold):
Ryusensei: First of all
gentlemen, thanks for sitting down with me and taking time from your training
for this interview. This weekend all of
you will step into the ring and defend the honor and pride of the AWL against
your counterparts from Chikara. While
none of your titles will be on the line, this is still a high profile
event. I’d like to know what’s going
through your heads. Let’s start with you
Mr. Nix
Sammy Nix: Call me Sammy.
Ryusensei: Very well, Sammy, you
face the Chikara Grand Champion Ultramantis Black. Your thoughts on this match?
Sammy Nix: It’s a big freakin’
deal! Ultramantis Black is one of the
best wrestlers on the US east coast and someone I’ve looked up to most of my
career. An’ he’s also been in the AWL before
and even held the AWL World’s Heavyweight Title at one point AND he won the
2013 New Year’s Tournament. Me an’ him
are pretty similar. I’m looking forward
to the challenge.
Ryusensei: Any hints as to your
strategy for beating him?
Sammy Nix: Dance with what
brought ya. Beat him down, throw him
around, and hit the Chimera-plex for the win.
Ryusensei: I understand you’ve
asked Lee Masters to remain in the locker room for this match. Any reason for that?
Sammy Nix: Yeah. Two of em’.
First, Ultramantis Black has had a stable of guys at his command most of
his career, but this Sunday he’s all on his own. I don’t want to be accused of takin’ an
unfair advantage or nothin’. Second, Lee
needs to take care a some personal stuff and this is a perfect chance to take a
week off.
Ryusensei: OK, I’m not going to
pry. Next, Tiger-senshu. You will wrestle Young Lions Cup Champion
Space Monkey, any thoughts on this…strange opponent?
Tiger Mask II: When I was Space
Monkey’s age, the AWL’s first Tiger Mask took me under his wing and taught me everything
I know. I see this match as a chance to
pass on those teachings to the next generation of wrestlers. I’m confident I’ll win, but it should be a
fun match. And Space Monkey is FAR from
the strangest wrestler I’ve ever fought.
Ryusensei: Makes sense. Speaking of strange opponents, GWM’s Tiger
the Dark will be representing that organization in the inter-promotional 4-way
match and your tag team partner Prince Puma will be representing Lucha
Underground. Any words of encouragement
for Puma?
Tiger Mask II: I wish him success
and I would enjoy watching him kick Tiger the Dark in the face.
Ryusensei’ Nothing else to be
said there I guess. Last but not least,
Liga Cosmica, you have Crummels and Defarge, the team that unseated Mustache
Mountain to become Campeones de Parejas.
Tag team wrestling is probably the think Chikara is best known for,
their home turf so to speak. Does that
make you worried?
Estrella Dorada: …..
Ryusensei: O…K…Erupcion Solar,
Erupcion Solar: Our two teams aren’t
that different. Both young in the sport
and holding tag team gold early in our careers.
However, the difference is in out styles. They have made good use out of a few basic
techniques where as we come from a multigenerational history that we can draw from. That history, the soul of lucha libre, is
what will bring us victory this Sunday.
Ryusensei: Anybody have anything
else they’d like to say?
Sammy Nix: Yes. Chikara, we all like you. Yer great wresters and your promotion has
done some of the most innovative stuff in wrestling history. But this is the AWL. We are the best wrestling in Japan if not tha
world! Our boss invited you onto our
turf and that means, respect aside, yer gonna get your asses kicked.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Full Card for AWL 206: Chikara Special (The Show Not The Hold) and yes, you have to say the whole thing.
Greetings grapple fans! This is your
AWL Event Center (no it isn’t and if you keep stealing their lines we might get
Shut up voice in my head. Anyway,
here’s the full card for next weekend’s AWL 206: Chikara
Special (The Show Not The Hold):
AWL 206: Chikara Special (The Show Not The Hold)
Sammy Nix (AWL) vs. Ultramantis Black (力)
Grand Champion vs. Grand Champion
Non-Title Match
Liga Cosmica (AWL) vs. Crummels and Defarge (力)
AWL World Tag Team Champions vs. Los Campeones de Parajas
Non-Title Match
Tiger Mask II (AWL) vs. Space Monkey (力)
AWL IC Champion vs. YLC Champion
Non-Title Match
新時代 vs. Xyberhawx 2000
Trios Match!
Special Inter-Promotional 4-Way Match
Ma-Ji-Ku (AWL) vs. Kobald (力) vs. Prince Puma
(LU) vs Tiger the Dark (GWM)
Continuity Note: This event will take place in the present day AFTER the events of Secret Season 17.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Full Card for AWL 205.
AWL 205:
Tiger Mask II (C) vs. Red Death Mask w/Miss X
AWL Intercontinental Championship Match
2nd Title Defense
Last week Red Death Mask defeated his GWM compatriot Yellow Devil to earn
this title match. However, as you all
read earlier this week, this is about a LOT more than just the championship to
Tiger Mask II. This is about the future
of professional wrestling itself.
The Destroyers of DOOM! (0) vs. Ophidian & Space Monkey (0)
Points in Play
In preparation for the upcoming AWL: Chikara Special (The Show Not The
Hold), the two most recent visitors from the Wrestle Factory have chosen to
join forces and officially register as a tag team! Apparently they are to be collectively
referred to as “The Menagerie.” They
face former AWL World’s Tag Team Champions looking to get back on the board and
earn their first point.
Wrestler X vs. Wyvern (#4)
After being pinned in tag team action last weekend, losing The Augments
both of their points, Wrestler X must prove himself to Dr. Jigoku and so has
challenged the #4 Contender in the AWL Best 4, Wyvern. If Wyvern loses this match, he will forfeit
his rank to Wrestler X. If Wrestler X
loses this match…
The New Classics (2) vs. The Empire (0)
Points in Play
The eternal quest for 3 points continues as the AWL Grand Champion and his
tag team partner face the British Bashers with a shot at Liga Cosmica and the
AWL World’s Tag Team Championship in the balance.
Mr. Smiles vs. Hasaiki
For the first time in Season 11, the unpredictable Hasaiki enters the
ring. This will be the first time we’ve
seen Hasaiki since he injured Hifumi Ryuji late last season, an injury that
caused the Prince of the Pinfall to miss last season’s finale AND the New Year’s
Tournament. He faces Mr. Smiles, also
freshly returned after the hellacious beating he suffered at the hands of
Yellow Devil a few weeks ago.
It all happens at AWL 205 in less than 24 hours!
Friday, March 10, 2017
Happy Friday wrestling fans! And a
very happy Friday it is too because I have an incredible announcement to make.
This year, one of the AWL Commissioner’s goals has been the inclusion of
more outside talent in the AWL. So far
the biggest result of this has been our increased partnership with
Chikara. Ophidian competing in the New
Year’s Tournament, Space Monkey debuting in AWL competition, and now this:
In just over a week, at AWL 206, the Animated Wrestling League will proudly
present AWL: CHIKARA SPECIAL (The Show, Not The Hold)!
5 Matches that will each pit AWL Wrestlers vs. Chikara Wrestlers including
all 3 Chkara champions facing their AWL counterparts plus exhibitions of the
art style that Chikara has perfected over the years, the multi-man match.
The exact card will be released next week, but in the meantime, stay tuned tomorrow for the full card for AWL 205.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
A message from Tiger Mask II
Greetings wrestling fans. This
morning I received a message from the AWL Intercontinental Champion Tiger Mask
II. This weekend at AWL 205, he defends
his championship against Red Death Mask.
This message has been
translated from the original Japanese by the AWL Translation Team.
Ever since the original Tiger Mask turned away from the Tiger’s Den the Tiger Mask Dynasty has existed to protect the wrestling world from the forces of darkness. The original destroyed the Tiger’s Den, but now they have returned. They call themselves Global Wrestling Monopoly but I have reason to believe that the evils of old have resurfaced. There is another Tiger protecting New Japan Pro Wrestling. But the AWL is MY territory and protecting it is MY duty! I will not allow them to gain a foothold in the AWL! I have already slain their giant. Now they send me a demon. Either way, the story will be the same, I will resist you and GWM will fall at my feet and by my claws!
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Full Card for AWL 204
After all the chaos around the office this week, we finally have the full
card for AWL 204:
AWL 204:
Hassan (#1) vs. X
The Augments (2) vs. The New Classics (1)
Points in Play
HAKAISHA! vs, Wyvern
Fight for 4
Jack Butcher (#2) vs. Space Monkey
Red Death Mask vs. Yellow Devil
GWM Rules Match
Winner challenges Tiger Mask II for the AWL
Intercontinental Championship next week!
Friday, March 3, 2017
Late post on a busy news week.
Greetings wrestling fans. I’m sorry
for the lack of news posts this week, but sometimes it’s best to take the time
and make sure you get your reporting right.
Several major stories have broken in the last 72 hours that directly
impact this weekend’s AWL 204 event.
Here’s the sequence of events as best as I’ve been able to assemble
Monday Morning:
AWL Senior Medical Official Dr. Marcus Feelgood has cleared Hassan to wrestle this weekend!! This diagnosis is a few days ahead of
schedule so we are all happy that the Arab American Dream has made such a full
and speedy recovery.
Monday Afternoon:
Hassan officially requested a match with American Beetle for AWL 204. However, since American Beetle is one week
into a 30 day suspension for unsportsmanlike conduct (that resulted in Hassan’s
injury in the first place), the AWL Commissioner refused the request.
Tuesday Morning:
American Beetle tweeted to the AWL Commissioner that he has hired a new
chief advisor and body man who would be happy to wrestle Hassan on his
behalf. The only condition is that the identity
of this individual must remain classified until the day of AWL 204.
Tuesday Afternoon:
After consulting with Hassan, the AWL Commissioner agrees to book the match
for AWL 204. Therefore we can safely
assume Hassan has agreed to the match.
It’s important to remember that Hassan is still #1 contender in the AWL
Best 4, so if he loses to American Beetle’s presumably unranked mystery man
that will impact his ranking.
The next couple of says were spent running things by the lawyers.
So the match is made, Hassan vs. whoever American Beetle has found/paid off
to pinch hit for him.
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