Monday, December 19, 2016

AWL 200: Season 10 Finale

AWL 200 pt.1: Season 10 Finale 投稿者 AWLBoss
AWL 200 pt.2: Season 10 Finale 投稿者 AWLBoss

OK, funny story.  Turns out that if you stay up until three am two night in a row while sick in a desperate attempt to meet your self imposed deadline is a dumb idea.  Specifically, after getting everything done you forget the single most important detail...POSTING THE FREAKING SHOW TO YOUR WEBSITE!!!

So yeah, these videos have been on Daily Motion for about a day now.  But if you're reading this, then you probably don't care that much and you're here for the wrestling show.  So please enjoy!!

See you next year four Season 11.

No, that wasn't a typo.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Final Card for AWL 200!

The short version, both of the changes to the card that have been teased this week have been granted by the AWL Commissioner. The full and final card for the Season 10 Finale is as follows:

Project (C) vs. Chiba Akagi (IC)
AWL Grand Championship Match
6th Title Defense.
30 Minute Iron Man Submission Match!
Dr. Jigoku BANNED from Ringside!

Clash of Styles Finals
Powerhouse vs. Hardcore
There MUST be a Winner!

Liga Cosmica (C) vs. The Empire (3)
AWL World Tag Team Championship Match
1st Title Defense

Tiger Mask II vs. Black Tiger III
Lucha de Apuesta
Mascara contra Mascara

新時代 vs. The Augments
Trios Match
Winner takes the Star of Aztec!

Curry Man SPICY vs. Tiny
Last Man Standing Match
(Match to be cancled if Curry Man SPICY is fired in Batsumania)

Curry Man Spicy vs. Jon Shina vs. Mr. Smiles vs. American Beetle


Friday, December 16, 2016

Promo mania!

Years ago, when I started allowing (more like the AWL Commissioner MADE me allow) AWL Wrestlers to use this blog to communicate with each other and the fans, I didnt expect things to get this crazy. This isn't supposed to be pro wrestling debate club, but that's just what it has become. For the last few weeks Shin Jidai and Dr. Jigoku have been going back and forth in on this forum. Today we have, hopefully, the final piece of that puzzle:

Oh you weak minded fools! You think Experiment 003 and 005 are my only Augments? HAHAHAHAHA! Of course not!! There is another. One I created before even Experiment 001 (Editors note: Project Tetsu) that is working right under your noses in the AWL today! Experiments 003 and 005 will be joined by Experiment 000 for this little trios match. I hope you enjoy fighting amongst yourselves!!
--Dr. Jigoku.

Ryusensei here again and WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN! O you mean to tell me that there's another Augment running around here and WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT IT!!!!????

While I look into this, you can listen to the next AWL Wrestler who agreed to the next AWL Wrestlers (that's right, plural) who have been given the chance to address the fans directly.

This Sunday I will step into the ring with Tanaka Kenichi to decide the Ultimate Style of Professional Wrestling, Powerhouse or Hardcore.

You become a powerhouse wrestler through hard work. Countless hours in the gym and even more hours in the ring practicing how to hit your moves perfectly. Hard enough to defeat your opponent, but not hard enough to cripple or kill them. Its a delacate balance, but necessary if you want to do things the right way.

Hardcore wrestling? There's another word for that: Cheating! There's no sport in hiting people in the head with furnature. There's no honor. Hardcore has always been the escape for wrestlers who don't have the skil to actually compete in the ring. I know powerhouse wrestling has a bad reputation thanks to WWE, but at least we don't have to cheat to win.

This Sunday, there must be a winner. That means Tanaka Kenichi will be allowed to use all of his dirty tricks. But they won't work. I'm ready for you, I'm going to crush you, and I'm going to do it the right way!

THUGLIFE Tanaka Kenichi: (Translator's note: We really had to burn the midnight oil on this one. Mr. Tanaka tried to write this in English. As most of you know, his English is HORRIBLE! But we think we've got the jist of what he wanted to say...maybe.)

Hardcore is thuglife! In a real fight there are no rules. I have neve followed the rules. Breaking the rulls made me the first AWL Grand Champion and breaking the rules will win the Clash of Styles Tournament! HAKAISHA is just big, strong, and stupid. Just like every other slab of meat that ever fell out of the power plant, OVW, or whereever. You suck. I am cool, you am fu*k!

Ryusensei here again, Tanaka Kenichi may be an idiot, but he has also earned more points that anone else in this tournament. So don't count the little dirtbag out yet!

Tomorrow we reveal the final card for AWL 200. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

One step closer to the dome!

We received two messages to relay to you today. The first came on GWM (Global Wrestling Monopoly) letterhead.

Black Tiger III has completed his penance and has been authorized to return to the AWL to compete at AWL 200. After he defeats the false tiger and takes his mask, we will begin negotiations for Black Tiger III's future championship match.
--Miss X

That confirms that the second ever Mask vs. Mask match WILL take place at AWL 200! Next, we have a message from Shin Jidai explaining (and confirming) some things about the mystical Star of Aztec:

I honestly can't believe I'm talking about this, but here we go. Azteckaizer Neo has agreed to wager the Star of Aztec in a match against The Augments. But there's only one problem. He has to compete. Apearently the magic mumbo jumbo that makes the star work will allow it to be won or lost in a wrestling match, but the guy who currently has it has to be in the match.

Since that cyborg giant is defending the title in the main event (Good luck Chiba, we're all rooting for you!) Jigoku only has two minions to send against us and neither Matt or I are backing down from this fight.

So yeah, the Star of Aztec is on the line, but unless Jigoku can find a third man, it's 3 on 2!

Finally today we once again turn the blog over to an AWL Wrestler to address the fans directly. Today it's the Largest Athlete on the Roster, Tiny:

I've been in the AWL since the very beginning. I think American Beetle and I are the only wrestlers still active who were on our very first show on YouTube. I've been AWL Champion, Tag Team Champion, and even Anarchy Champion. Now I find myself without a dance partner on the biggest show we've ever had.

It ain't been a good season for me. For most of my career I've been a tag team wrestler. Then, all of a sudden, I find myself without a tag team partner. I know I haven't had much focus since. Yeah, I coached that Smiles kid to his first win and I'm proud of that. But even after all the tag matches and grudge matches and matches where we each supported other wrestlers, I never got my hands on him in a real final one on one match.

Well, that ain't gonna work for me! I know my EX-partner Curry Man is gonna wrestler for his job in Batsumania, and believe me I am NOT going to get in the way of anything that would get that little idiot fired, but IF he manages to survive I want him one on one. No partners, no managers, no corner men, nothing!

At the last season finale, he left me laying in the middle of the ring after our tag team title match. This season, I want to return the favor. If Curry Man still has a job, I want a Last Man Standing Match!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

AWL 200 Card so far

OK Wrestling Fans, we are less than a week away from AWL 200 in the Tokyo Dome. That means it's time to reveal the official fight card as we know it so far. Remember, this is subject to change.

Season 10 Finale!
Project (C) vs. 千葉赤城 (IC)
AWL Grand Championship Match
6th Title Defense
Intercontinental Championship Cash In
30 Minute Iron Man Submission Match!
Dr. Jigoku BANNED from ringside

Tiger Mask II vs. Black Tiger III
Mask vs. Mask

Clash of Styles Tournament Finals!

Liga Cosmica vs. The Empire
AWL World's Tag Team Championship Match
1st Title Defense

新時代 vs. The Augments
3 on 2 Handicap Match?
Winner takes the Star of Aztec!

Jon Shina vs. American Beetle vs. Curry Man SPICY vs. Mr. Smiles

So far that's six matches over at least two videos. Never let it be said that the AWL doesn't give the people what they want!

Lastly today and for the rest of the week, we're going to be offering the AWL Roster the chance to speak directly to you, the AWL Fans. Up first is the #1 Contender to the AWL Grand Championship and reigning AWL Intercontinental Champion, Chiba Akagi:

I've only been wrestling in the AWL for about a year and a half now. It's my third season and I've already done more in this company than I thought I'd ever do in my career. I've fought and teamed with legends. I've wrestled in front of huge audiences. Most importantly, I've been accepted by some of the most diserning fans in professional wrestling.

This Sunday I'm going to step onto the biggest stage of my career. I'm going to walk into the Tokyo Dome and wrestle for the top prize in all of animated wrestling. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I'm more than that, I'm honestly frightened. Not by the venue of the fact that this is a title match, but because for the first time in my life...I matter.

I was always the kid in school that nobody paid attention to. When I started wrestling I was "That submission guy." Even when I made it to the big time of the AWL in 2015, I figured I'd spend my career firmly in the midcard making a good living, but always being that guy on the middle of the show. The guy that maybe a few hardcore fans on the internet respected, but never the one who got the title shots or did anything important.

But that's all changed now. Now I'm the man on the front lines in the war against The Augments. And make no mistake, this is a WAR! If I can take back the AWL Grand Championship, I can deal a serious blow to the Augments. I will matter.

I know the risk I take challenging for the title. But it's a risk I'm more than willing to take to make a difference.
--Chiba Akagi
(This message translated from Japanese by the AWL Translation Team)

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Several notes and final ranks.

In the few hours or so since AWL 198, several important messages have come into AWL HQ that have serious implications for the future of the AWL. The following messages have been translated into English by the AWL Translation Team as needed.

Chiba Akagi:
I have made my decision! Of course, I want the match on December 18th in the Tokyo Dome at AWL 200!!

After speaking with the only other wrestler to ever cash in the AWL Grand Championship, Hassan, I have decided to take his advice and pick a match that plays to my strengths. Therefore our match will have the following stipulations:

1. Dr. Jigoku is BANNED from ringside.

2. The match will be SUBMISSIONS ONLY.

3. The match will be a 30 minute IRON MAN MATCH!

They call me the Scion of Submission and not only do I intend to live up to that name, I intend to prove you wrong. I KNOW that man can outlast machine and I'm willing to be that you're going to be so exhausted and warn down by the end of this match that nothing will stop me from becoming the NEW AWL Grand Champion.

The second message we received appears to be completely unrelated and came from Curry Man...I'm sorry, Curry Man SPICY:

Curry Man SPICY:
Konnichiwa! Ore ha Curry Man desu. SUUPA SUPAISHI desu! Ore ando Buraku Taiga ha 2 pointo ICHIBAN!! No tagu machi! No gudo!! AWL 200. Tokyo Dome. AWL Ichiban! Curry Man Ichiban! Curry Man Fighto! Curry Man WINU!!

AWL 200 De...Tiny CHALLENGE! Curry Man Big & Spicy no Ichiban! Tiny Big & Spicy no NIBAN!! Curry Man SPICY noku Tiny daunn!!

(TRANSLATORS NOTES: First of all, we're pretty sure this idiot doesn't speak a word of Japanese. Second, what we think he said is that he's upset that he an Black Tiger III aren't in contention for a Tag Team Title Match at AWL 200. He then seems to challenge Tiny to a match to prove that he was the strongest member of Big & Spicy.)

The final message we got last night was from Dr. Jigoku. Now remember, at the time this message was sent, the bad doctor did not know the stipulation chosen by Chiba Akagi.

Well well well,since it looks HIGHLY unlikely that the so called Shin Jidai won't be busy at AWL 200, I have decided to take them up on their offer to be destroyed by my Augments. I will even honor their request Augments if Shin Jidai can beat us. However, since they have no titles to offer, they will have to put something else on the line to make it worth my while.

If and when my Augments defeat those foolish children, they must give me...THE STAR OF AZTEC!! That little stone has been...a me for quite some time. I think it's high time such a powerful artifact be granted to a SUPERIOR owner.


Last thing, the final rankings in the Clash of Styles Tournament going into tonight's AWL 199:

1. Powerhouse: HAKAISHA! (11/0)* Guaranteed to enter the Final.
2. Hardcore: Tanaka Kenichi (10/0)
2. Specialists: Sammy Nix (10/0)
3. Lucha Libre: Ma-Ji-Ku (9/0) X
4. Technical: Kid Canada (8/0) X
5. Tiger Style: Black Tiger III (4/0) X
6. Strong Style: Yamada Jiro (2/0) X
7. Brawler: Luke James (0/0) X

That's all from AWL HQ for the moment. AWL 199 comes at you in just a few hours. After that, we should have a full card for AWL 200, so stay tuned right here to AWL Wrestling for all the latest breaking news on the Animated Wrestling League!

AWL 198: Second Double Shot Weekend Part 1

AWL 198: Second Double Shot Weekend Part 1 投稿者 AWLBoss

Saturday, December 10, 2016

I find myself in an interesting position today. It's my job to bring you all the news you need to know about the Animated Wrestling League. Foremost in that category are the fight cards for watch of our shows. However, this is a Double Shot Weekend and the results of Saturday's AWL 198 will directly affect Sunday's AWL 199. So I'm going to give you what I've got and hope you can forgive me for all the maybes.

AWL 198
HAKAISHA! (9/1) vs. Tanaka Kenichi (10/1)
Clash of Styles Tournament Match
Powerhouse vs. Hardcore

Ma-Ji-Ku (7/1) vs. Yamada Jiro (2/1)
Clash of Styles Tournament Match
Lucha Libre vs. Strong Style

The final matches in the round robin phase of the Clash of Styles Tournament. The Representatives with the top two point totals will advance to the finals at AWL 200. While it's impossible for either Ma-Ji-Ku or Yamada Jiro to advance at this point, Lucha Libre vs. Strong Style is one of those matches we started this tournament to see!

AWL All Stars vs. The Augments
Trios Match

Last weekend, Ganba announced that the battle had offically begun. This week the AWL Commissioner has made sure he'll get the chance as Ganba, Luke James, and Tiger Mask II face off against Usagi Kick, Mahou Crusher, and the AWL Grand Champion Project Tetsu!

The New Classics (1) vs. Liga Cosmica (C)
Non-Title Match
Points in Play

Shin Jidai (1) vs. The Empire (0)
Points in Play

The search for Tag Team #1 Contenders continues. While non-title matches involving the AWL World's Tag Team Champions are highly unusual, the champions apparently requested the match from the AWL Commissioner personally. They want to test themselves against what they called "the old guard." I'm not sure how the Lee and Sammy feel about that, but we'll find out on Saturday.

Curry Man SPICY vs. El Rudo Rojo vs. Luke James
Danger Zone Match

Three of the slots in the dreaded Danger Zone have already been decided. This match will give these three men the chance to avoid joining Jon Shina, American Beetle, and Mr. Smiles in the career threatening Batsumania Match.

Now it gets weird:
AWL 199:
New Classics (2) vs. Shin Jidai (2)
Points in Play

Tag Team Gauntlet to determine the #1 Contenders to the AWL World's Tag Team Championship.

We WILL have a tag team title match at AWL 200 in the Tokyo Dome. If we finish AWL 198 with two teams with two points, then that's the match for Sunday. If not everyone will have a chance to claim the top spot in he AWL Tag Team Division!

The Augments vs. Chiba Akagi, Wyvern, & Ganba
Trios Match

The AWL Commissioner appears to be on a trios kick this week. Chiba Akagi is the next challenger for the Grand Championship and both Ganba and Wyvern have been heading up two different factions opposed to the Augments. Could this be the beginning of a super faction? Check out AWL 19 this Sunday and see for yourselves.

???? vs. ????
Clash of Styles Tournament Tie Breaker

No idea if we're actually going to need this match, but if there is a tie at the end of the round robin phase of the tournament and we don't have a clear top two, this match will settle things.

Tiger Mask II vs. Ma-Ji-Ku

Azteckaizer NEO vs. Jon Shina

Friday, December 2, 2016

A late night message

Wrestling fans, late tonight (Friday) via private special delivery, we received the following message from easily the last organization we ever expected to darken the doors of the AWL. Just read it for yourself:

To whom it may concern,

We officially withdraw the wrestler known as Black Tiger III from all competition in the Animated Wrestling League. Please find attached to this letter a copy of our exclusive talent contract with Black Tiger III confirming our authority to make and cancel bookings on his behalf.

Black Tiger III will not compete again this season. Therefore he officially forfeits his remaining matches in the Clash of Styles Tournament.

We would be willing to consider negotiating a return to competition for Black Tiger III under one condition: That the impostor known as Tiger Mask II agree to Lucha de Apuesta—Mascara contra Mascara!!

We await his response to this challenge.

--Miss X

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Full Cards for this weekend.

OK wrestling fans, get ready for a lot of bold center aligned font! Because it's time to reveal the full cards for both AWL 196 & 197.
AWL 196:
Project Tetsu (C) vs. X
AWL Grand Championship Match
Open Contract Challenge 2
4th Title Defense

Sammy Nix (6/2) vs. Tanaka Kenichi (10/2
Clash of Styles Tournament Match
Specialist vs. Hardcore

Kid Canada (4/2) vs. Black Tiger III (4/2)
Clash of Styles Tournament Match
Technical vs. Tiger Style

Shin Jidai (0) vs. The Augments (0)
Points in Play

Hasaiki vs. Hifumi Ryuji
Pinfall Only

Jon Shina vs. Tiger Mask II

AWL 197:
Project Tetsu (C) (if still champion) vs. X
AWL Grand Championship Match
5th Title Defense

Chiba Akagi (C) vs. Mahou Crusher
AWL IC Championship Match
Final Title Defense!

Luke James (0/1) vs. Kid Canada (4/1 or 6/1)
Clash of Styles Tournament Match
Brawler vs. Technical
Final Match for both Representatives!
Black Tiger III (4/1 or 6/1) vs. Sammy Nix (6/1 or 8/1)
Clash of Styles Tournament Match
Tiger Style vs. Specialist
Final Match for both Representatives!

Hasaiki vs. Hifumi Ryuji
Hardcore Rules

Tiger Mask II vs. Curry Man

Tiny & Mr. Smiles (0) vs. El Rudo Rojo & Bruce Hoyt (0)
Points in Play

WHEW! Anyone else tired after all that? There's a LOT happening this weekend! By the time these two events are over, we should have a much clearer picture of who's going to fight for a Golden Opportunity at AWL 200. Also, with TWO title defenses, it's possible Dr. Jigoku is getting a little too cocky with his cyborg champion.

Let's see, what else do I have in these notes?

Right! The AWL Commissioner has authorized a best of three series between Hasaiki and Hifumi Ryuji. As you can see, the first two matches will each feature a "home field advantage" for one of the wrestlers involved. If it becomes necessary the 3rd match in the set of three will combine those two stipulations into one!

Last, but not least, Chiba Akagi is set to face one of the Augments (at his request appearently) in his fifth and final defense of the AWL Intercontinental Championship. If Chiba wins, he will earn the right to cash in for shot at the Grand Championship and finally some of the power around here will be back in the hands of the AWL!

Going to be an interesting week!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Full Card for AWL 195 and HUGE announcement!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am the AWL Commissioner.

It has been a...trying time here in the Animated Wrestling League. For various reasons we have had to delay many of our programs this season. As a result, we are behind schedule. Since we have booked the Tokyo Dome for AWL 200 on December 18th (and our booking fee is non-refundable) we must, as the young people say, play catch up.

Therefore, I have COMMISSIONED that the first two weeks of December shall be DOUBLE HEADER DECEMBER in the AWL! That's right, new episodes of the Animated Wrestling League on BOTH Saturday and Sunday of those weekends!

--XOXO AWL Commissioner.

Thanks boss! RyuSensei here to finish out this blog post with the full card for AWL 195:

AWL 195:
Shin Jidai (C) vs. Liga Cosmica (3)
AWL World Tag Team Championship Match
1st Title Defense

Chiba Akagi (C) vs. X
AWL Intercontinental Championship Match
4th Title Defense

HAKAISHA! (7/2) vs. Yamada Jiro (2/2)
CoS Tournament Match
Powerhouse vs. Strong Style

Luke James (0/2) vs. Ma-Ji-Ku (5/2)
CoS Tournament Match
Brawler vs. Lucha Libre

Tiny vs. Hasaiki
First Time Ever Singles Match

Mr. Smiles vs. El Rudo Rojo vs. Tanaka Kenichi vs. Curry Man SPICY

By special order of the AWL Commissioner: No Time Limit!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

News Update

There shall be no Grand Championship Match this week. And Shin Jidai, if you survive the week with your championships intact, we might be able to negotiate.
--Dr. Jigoku

That was another demand from Dr. Jigoku. But on to the actual AWL news. First up, the most recent rankings in the Clash of Styles Tournament:
1. Hardcore: Tanaka Kenichi (10/2)

2. Powerhouse: HAKAISHA! (7/2)

3. Specialists: Sammy Nix (6/2)

4. Lucha Libre: Ma-Ji-Ku (5/2)

5. Tiger Style: Black Tiger III (4/2)
5. Technical: Kid Canada (4/2)

6. Strong Style: Yamada Jiro (2/2) X

7. Brawler: Luke James (0/2) X

It's worth noting that if either Black Tiger III or Kid Canada lose another match (or if one more wrestler passes the 8 point mark), they will be eliminated from the tournament.

Now for the current Danger Zone Rankings:

as of AWL 194
Jon Shina
American Beetle
Mr. Smiles
Tanaka Kenichi

El Rudo Rojo
Luke James

Tanaka Kenichi, being almost certain to (ugh) make it to the finals of the Clash of Styles Tournament, has been removed from the Danger Zone. That leaves Mr. Smiles, El Rudo Rojo, and Luke James to duke it out for the final two slots in Batsumania. While the card for next weekend has not been announced, Luke James should be scheduled to compete and all CoS matches count toward the overall win loss records.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the full card for AWL 195 and a major announcement from the AWL Commissioner.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


NEWS FLASH: I am an idiot!

OK explanation: I actually wrote out this weeks blogs in time, but for some reason I thought I'd posted them when I hadn't.  So please pretend that this info dump was posted over the course of the week.  We're wrestling fans, were at suspending disbelief for the sake of entertainment.

After the debacle that was AWL 193, the AWL Commissioner has wasted no time in announcing the full card for AWL 194. We already know a new open contract has been issued and obviously we don't know who will be crazy or stupid enough to accept it. But we now know the rest of the card.

Project (C) vs. ????
AWL Grand Championship Match
3rd Title Defense
Open Contract Challenge

Liga Cosmica (2) vs. The New Classics (0)
Points in Play

Tanaka Kenichi (8/3) vs. Black Tiger III (4/3)
Clash of Styles Touynament Match
Hardcore vs. Tiger Style

Hasaiki vs. 一二三龍二

山田二郎 (0/3) vs. Luke James (0/3)
Clash of Styles Tournament Match
Strong Style vs. Brawler

El Rudo Rojo vs. Mr. Smiles
Danger Zone Match

Thursday: Shin Jidai issues challenge
At AWL 193 I made a mistake I mentioned a challenge in the Tag Team Division. The challenge IS happening, but it was not for public revelation. I apologize for my indescretion. It will not happen again.

Fortunately for my continued career prospects the AWL World's Tag Team Champions 新時代 have chosen to issue their challenge formally:

Jigoku! We know you're willing to break the rules to get what you want. And since the AWL Commissioner seems to be going along with you on this (for some reason) wed like to offer you a little challenge. You want the tag team titles. We're willing to give them to you.

We hereby challange your Augments to a match at AWL 200! We're willing to put up the AWL World's Tag Team Titles on the line. No points needed.

But here's the catch: If we win, Usagi Kick and Mahou Crusher are OUT of the AWL AND we get an automatic match with Project Tetsu for the AWL Grand Championship. That's right, all three of a Gauntlet Match!

We await your answer.
--Matt Classic Jr.

(Editors note: If Liga Cosmica win their match with The New Classics this weekend, the luchadores will be the #1 Contenders for the AWL World's Tag Team Titles. That would presumably overrule any deal privately arranged by the wrestlers.)

First things first on today's news update, the AWL Commissioner has weighed in on Shin Jidai's challenge to the Augments for the AWL World Tag Team Championships. The message was a very simple: "Absolutely not!"

Moving on to the actual news, AWL 193 created some ripples in the Clash of Styles Tournament:

1. Hardcore: Tanaka Kenichi (8/3)

2. Powerhouse: HAKAISHA! (7/2)

3. Specialists: Sammy Nix (6/2)

4. Lucha Libre: Ma-Ji-Ku (5/2)

5. Tiger Style: Black Tiger III (4/3)

6. Technical: Kid Canada (4/2)

7. Strong Style: Yamada Jiro (0/3) X
7. Brawler: Luke James (0/3) X

Even though they are both eliminated from the tournament, James and Yamato will face each other this weekend for pride and honor. If Kid Canada loses his next match or if one more wrestler earns more than 8 points, he too will be eliminated.

Remember, at the end of the round robin section of the tournament, the two wrestlers with the highest point totals (after any necessary tie breakers) will fight one last time at AWL 200 in the Tokyo Dome for the Golden Opportunity, 1,000,000, and the title of Master of the Ultimate Style!

On the other side of the roster, last week also impacted the Danger Zone:

as of AWL 193
Jon Shina
American Beetle
Tanaka Kenichi
El Rudo Rojo
Mr. Smiles

With Tanaka Kenichi currently immune as the leader of the Clash of Styles Tournament. Shina, Beetle, Rojo and Smiles are at risk of losing their jobs. Jon Shina is locked in the Danger Zone as there are no longer enough episodes between here and the finale for him to save himself. With his win last week, Luke James saved himself (for the moment).

The story continues this weekend at AWL 194!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Answer the challenge

There shall be a Grand Championship Match at AWL 194.

--Dr. Jigoku

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Full Card for AWL 193

Contrary to what Dr. Jigoku said earlier this week, there WILL be a title match in the main event of AWL 193...for the AWL Intercontinental Championship! And if Dr. Jigoku can be vague and mysterious about the challenger, so can the AWL Commissioner.

AWL 193:
Chiba Akagi (C) vs. X
AWL Intercontinental Championship Match
3rd Title Defense

Liga Cosmica (1) vs. RUZAI (1)
Points in Play

Tiny, Hifumi Ryuji, & Prince Puma vs. Spicy BLACK & Hasaiki
Trios Match

HAKAISHA (5/3) vs. Kid Canada (4/3)
Clash of Styles Tournament Match
Powerhouse vs. Technical

Ma-Ji-Ku (3/3) vs. Sammy Nix (6/3)
Clash of Styles Tournament Match
Lucha Libre vs. Specialization

El Rudo Rojo vs. Mr. Smiles vs. Luke James

Danger Zone Match

The show should be ready some time late Sunday US time, Monday Japan time.

It's been a bad week.

I'm sorry everyone.  The AWL is going to be a day late or so.  It's been a very difficult week for me.  The primary reason should be obvious, but I don't want to go into it in this forum.  The result is that This week's episode is nowhere near ready.  Hopefully AWL Episode 193 will be posted sometime in the next 24 hours, but I can't promise that.

Please stay tuned.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

CoS/DZ Update

Time for every wrestling fan's favorite part of the week: Numbers and statistics!! (I'm actually not being sarcastic about that. A lot of fans enjoy this sort of thing.)

We begin with the Clash of Styles Tournament and the Representatives are beginning to drop.

Results: As of 192
1. Hardcore: Tanaka Kenichi (8/3)

2. Specialists: Sammy Nix (6/3)

3. Powerhouse: HAKAISHA! (5/3)

4. Tiger Style: Black Tiger III (4/3)
4. Technical: Kid Canada (4/3)

5. Lucha Libre: Ma-Ji-Ku (3/3)

6. Strong Style: Yamada Jiro (0/3) X
6. Brawler: Luke James (0/3) X

The X indicates that both Yamada Jiro and Luke James have been mathematically eliminated from the tournament. All eliminated Representatives will wrestle their remaining matches. That means that brawling and strong style will not be crowned The Ultimate Style of Professional Wrestling. I really feel sorry for strong style, being saddled with such a terrible representative.

This week Ma-Ji-Ku faces Sammy Nix and HAKAISHA! takes on Kid Canada.

Moving on to the Danger Zone:

as of AWL 192
Jon Shina
American Beetle
Tanaka Kenichi
Luke James
El Rudo Rojo
Mr. Smiles

The AWL Rule Book clearly states that wrestlers booked in other matches at the Season Finale (in addition to all recognized champions) are immune to Batsumania. As of this writing, Tanaka Kenichi (the backstabbing prick) is penciled into the CoS Tournament Final so is currently immune. But Luke James, having just been mathematically eliminated, is not.

We should start getting information on AWL 193 tomorrow.