Friday, February 12, 2016

Match card, promos, and a big thank you.

Before we begin today's news post, on behalf of myself and everyone here at the Animated Wrestling League (which is pretty much just me), I would like to take a moment to acknowledge and thank Daniel Bryan AKA Bryan Danielson who announced his retirement from professional wrestling earlier this week.

To say that The American Dragon changed professional wrestling is an understatement. Not only was he a leader of a class of independent wrestlers (Alongside the likes of CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and Nigel McGuinness) that showed the world that work rate and storytelling ability could trump steroid riddled muscularity in terms of drawing power and entertainment value. He spent his entire career proving that not only does the W outweigh the E, but the W IS the E. As Sami Zayn said on twitter, without Daniel Bryan, most of the top NXT talent would never have been hired. Men like Zayn, Finn Balor, Hideo Itami, Kalisto, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Kevin Owens, and A.J. Styles would not be where or who they are today.

Throughout his career, Bryan took seemingly ridiculous material and made it work (The sign of a great performer). From odd music choices like Final Countdown and Flight of the Valkyries, to reminding the referee "I have till FIVE," to declaring in the face of all English grammar "I am the tag team champions," to making two of the most common words in the English language into the most over catchphrases of a generation. Everything this man touched turned to gold.

While I wish WWE had had the wisdom of ages gone by and had let the fans decide who they should push, I'm overjoyed that Daniel Bryan got to stand in the ring victorious at Wrestlemania 30. It was a victory not only for him, but for all wrestling fans.

Bryan may be gone, but his career will never be forgotten. Hopefully WWE will find a way to use him and his special connection with wrestling fans going forward.

Now on to the news:

The full match card for AWL 161 has been revealed:
AWL 161:
Main Event
Bullet Club (C) vs. The All Americans (3)
AWL World Tag Team Championship Match

Kid Canada vs. 山田二郎
Intercontinental #1 Contender's Match

The Strike Warriors (0) vs. The Augments (2)
Points in Play

Wyvern vs. Bruce Hoyt
Non-Title Match

Now, as per AWL tradition, we open the floor to both champions and challengers in theis weekend's tag team championship match. First, the champions:

Karl Anderson: The bug man and the...well, you know? No, not a change in hell. Now those cat guys, they may have stood a chance against us. Not much of a chance, but a chance. WWE may have signed off on me "fulfilling my obligations" or whatever, but there's only so long before they want me either on the road or at NXT. This belt is going to look so good on my wall. Or maybe I'll take it to Monday Night Raw and toss it in the garbage. Nah, who am I kidding? That'd probably only make it to Superstars. You got anything to say big man?

Bad Luck Fale: Wyvern, don't let those RUZAI losers distract you. You and me got a date with destiny. Keep my belt polished for me.

And now the challengers:

Hassan: The next 20 AWL events are going to make or break my career. Last season I put so much of myself into establishing my AWL IC Title, that I frankly neglected my tag partner and our team. But with the 2 points we picked up at the Tag Matsuri and the point we got back home in the good old USA, we're ready to take the gold and I'm ready to become a double champion!

American Beetle: It's an election year in America. A time when the power of democracy flows through me and brings me to the peak of my powers! The speeches, the debates, the people participating in the single greatest system of government in the world...OH MAN! It makes me feel like I could take on the entire roster myself!! Those Bullet Club disgraces won't know what hit America!

Hassan: Bro, the match is in the Arena. You Japan.

American Beetle: I DON'T CARE!!! AMERICA!!!!!!!

It's going to be an interesting show. See you Sunday morning Japan time for AWL 161!

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